Saturday, June 09, 2007

Lohan & Paris, now GW & Putin - Frenemies, like yeh!

Putin calls out the Drunk Monkey - the Drunk Monkey responds with nukes - Putin suggests putting the missiles in Iraq & Voila! Yet another reason to continue the occupation and a tribute to the 50's, to boot; a Cold War Revival! World Domination Theatre concludes its latest act! I want a soundtrack on my desk by Thursday...I'm looking at you Andrew Lloyd Weber!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno, I think you're going about this the wrong way-- you don't really want show tunes here, you wanna get retro with the soundtrack. I'm thinking Brian Wilson is the elixir. (Come on-- "Bomb-bomb-bomb, Bomb-bomb Iran...")

I know what you're thinking: "Hey, that's '60's, not '50's, you musical moron!" To that, I sneer: Cuban Missle Crisis, hellooooooooooo?? If you wanna have a potential doomsday sountrack, you gotta provide the proper atmosphere. What's more, if you had any balls, you'd shell out the licensing fees to use - in a medley - Tom Lehrer's "Who's Next?" & "So Long Mom". Trust me on this one; do the research, if you have a doubt...

12:07 PM  

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