Friday, February 17, 2006

Living la vida gatita

This year began with a bang. Or 3.

1st wk in January, Ex-BF delivered my new, custom-built Orbea road bike. I thanked him energetically. Bang #1.

3rd wk in Jan, I took my sweet bike for a spin, thankstoglobalwarming. My ride came to a hault when the car-service-car making a rolling left was stopped by my knee. I landed on my wrist. Bang #2, Bang #3.

Thus began my Tour de Hospitals: Harlem ER Doc called then-Semi-Ex-BF, who dashed to my side and has since been upgraded to LoML*. Underwent 2 separate surgeries (rt wrist, left knee) performed by 2 brilliant Ortho-Surgeons @ 2 different hospitals in ONE week.

Now, I'm rehabbin in Jersey, for the next 8 wks, allowing Mommy the honour to Baby her Baby. Living la vida gatita.

*$1 US if you decifer this YABA ***
**If you decifer this YABA, you'll refuse the buck and congratulate me :)
***I ain't givin' you no dollar, Cheapass!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, what the f...!? I wondered what happened to you but I never dreamed of anything like this! I can hardly look at you (I seem to queasy-up real easy these day).

Ok - what happened to the bike? Or more importantly, what happened to the biker/x-Israeli soldier? Thought you guys were in lust - uh love? All joking aside, the last time Lu and I kidded around with you we were happy for you (Jodi in love? What? Not you?). Is he the the LoML you are referring to? Or is there someone else (sigh)? (Love of My Life - Erika Bahdu's song (I know I spelled her name wrong - who cares?)

Surgery? I hate to ask. Why did you have to have surgery? Don't answer - I'm afraid of the details. For real. My tummy is flipping as I type.

ANYWAY, after reading the comment in your email about living in Jersey, I thought you had a change of heart about living in Manhattan (yeah right). I'm sure Mom is spoiling you and the kitty rotten. By the way - this photo is obviously a self portrait. Tell me I'm right. You look sooooo uncomfortable. How are you able move around? Dress? Bathe? So what if these Q's are a little personal - I'm a concerned citizen!

Are you on leave of absence from the jobito? I'm sure they miss you.

Have you had any visitors other than family? Oh - let me interrupt here. My italian not being was it never was - what does "la vida gatita" mean? I got the "life" part, but that's about it. Anyhow - I would love to visit but don't have transportation. Is there a way there via public (poor man's) transportation? We are talking about the sticks right? :0)Maybe I could drag Lu and possibly Joe with me.

Thank God for mothers! Hope you stay sane. Get back to me.


3:08 PM  
Blogger Will McKinley said...

I so sorry to hear about this! Good to see you are on the mend. Keep the updates coming!

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn. You look SO phine in that bed. Mmmm Mmmm. Did something happen to your leg? It's got a thing on it.

9:01 PM  

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