Thursday, November 20, 2008

I want to get married, again

Not that I have been married - my desire to get married has been renewed. Oh, no, I am not in love, I thought I was recently but it just turned out to be a case of Barack Obama is President euphoria gone wild! (BTW, has Steven Baldwin left the country as he promised (see below)?)

Anyhoozle - here's my reason. I just saw this cure for a narcissist who has failed to become famous - pencils made of one's remains! The lucky bastard to whom you bequeath these pencils, embossed with your name, come in a box that is also the sharpener so that when the pencils are all finished the box becomes a decorative urn! Awesome!

Now accepting marriage proposals. You must be in shape, handsome, not too issue-laden and, of course, a pencil user!