Coretta, who? Madonna!
Also on that day, Fate intervened so that she needn't be overshadowed on her birthday, Pop star Madonna (ageless), sustained several broken bones in a riding accident in which she was thrown from a horse unfamiliar with her genius.
a/k/a Esther bravely clutched Kabala beads while she endured being put into an ordinary ambulance and not air-lifted to a trauma center, a style more befitting a diva. The ever-compassionate Material Girl pointed out, “She's just his bloody bird; I am a real, live ICON and there wasn’t nearly enough paparazzi taking photos of me cantering around my estate!”
In 1963, 5 yr old Madonna first discovered how fetching she looked writhing on the floor after throwing a tantrum and Dr. King also delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. 42 yrs have passed and still Pop Stars are required to share the limelight. Until all Superstars, regardless of waning careers and dubious talent, are covered with relentless voracity, none of us are truly free.